Specify Default Email Addresses

Specify the default sender and reply to email addresses for emails that are sent by Touchstone and when you reply to an email.

To specify the default email addresses:

  1. In the Navigation pane, in Settings, click General.
  2. On the Communications tab:
    • In the Default Sender Email field, enter the default email address that you want to use when emails are sent by Touchstone.
    • Select the Use Default Sender Email for Reply To option if you want the Reply email address (the address that displays when you click Reply) to be the same as the email address that you entered in the Default Sender Email field.

      When you select this option, Touchstone copies the Default Sender Email address to the Default Reply to Email field and makes the Default Reply to Email field read-only.

      Do not select this option if you want the Reply address to be different from the address that you entered in the Default Sender Email field.

    • In the Default Reply to Email field, enter an email address that you want Touchstone to display by default when you click Reply. If you selected the Use Default Sender Email for Reply To option, this field displays the default sender email address and is read-only
    When you click out of each field, Touchstone automatically saves the change.